
Acta Hydrobiologica
Tom 42 Zeszyt 1-2 Rok 2000

Wydawca: Zakład Biologii Wód im. K. Starmacha PAN, Kraków
ISSN: 0065-132X
Format: B5
Liczba stron: 75
Język: angielski

Spis treści

Mastyński J.:

Michal Iwaszkiewicz (1922-2000), s. 1-7.

Adam M.S., Issa A.A., Mohammed A.A., Hifney A.F.:

The effect of pollution on the community of soil algae on the Nile bank at Assiut, Egypt, s. 9-20.

Cetin A.K., Yildirim V.:

Species composition and seasonal variations of the phytoplankton in Surgu Reservoir (Malatya, Turkey), s. 21-28.

Kadiri M.O.:

Seasonal trend in the chemical limnology of a shallow Nigerian man-made lake, s. 29-40

Messyasz B.:

The diel pattern of changes in vertical distribution of phytoplankton in two eutrophic stratified lakes , s. 41-52.

Nesteruk T.:

Epiphytic Gastrotricha - species composition and dominance, s. 53-57.

Pociecha A., Wilk-Woźniak E.:

Effect of the summer flood on the ecosystem of the Dobczyce Reservoir (Southern Poland), s. 59-67.

Xie Z., Liang Y., Wang H.:

Enchytraeus chaoyangensis, a new terrestrial culture species (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Northeastern China, s. 69-72.