
Acta Hydrobiologica
Tom 29 Zeszyt 2 Rok wydania 1987

Wydawca: Zakład Biologii Wód im. K. Starmacha PAN, Kraków
ISSN: 0065-132X
Format: B5
Oprawa: miękka
Liczba stron: 155
Język: angielski, abstrakty en, pl

Spis treści

Canteras J.-C., Perez L.:

The biochemical diversity of heterotrophic bacterial cmmunities in high mountain lakes from Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain), s. 137-147.

Bucka H.:

Ecological aspects of the mass appearance of planktonic algae in dam reservoirs of southern Poland, s. 149-191.

Chidobem I.J., Ejike C.:

Seasonal periodicity of plankton in the Shen reservoir (Jos Plateau, Nigeria), s. 193-202.

Hul M.:

Formation of the structure of Ciliata seston communities in the River Łyna (Northern Poland), s. 203-218.

Nesteruk T.:

Assessing the efficiency of three methods of extracting freshwater Gastrotricha from bottom silt, s. 219-226.

Brzuska E.:

Stimulation of maturation and ovulation of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) oocytes. 2. In winter, s. 227-241.

Jelonek M., Amirowicz A.:

Density and biomass of fish in the Rożnów Reservoir (Southern Poland), s.243-251.

Jelonek M., Amirowicz A.:

Composition, density and biomass of the ichthyofauna of the Goczałkowice Reservoir (Southern Poland), s. 253-259.

Włodek J.M., Klimczyk-Janikowska M., Skóra S.:

Population studies on the weight of the liver bream (Abramis brama L.) in the area of its occurrence (Europe, Asia), s. 261-272.