
Acta Hydrobiologica
Tom 32 Zeszyt 3-4 Rok wydania 1990

Wydawca: Zakład Biologii Wód im. K. Starmacha PAN, Kraków
ISSN: 0065-132X
Format: B5
Język: angielski, abstrakty en, pl

Spis treści

Stachowicz K.:

The effect of flooding on the chemical composition of waters in the catchment basin of the River Skawinka (Southern Poland), s. 263-277.

Kowalski T.:

Degree of biochemical decomposition of pollutants in water and sewage, s. 279-292.

Bombówna M.:

Chemical composition of the water in the dam reservoirs at Rożnów and Czchów (Southern Poland) in 1982/1983 compared with the condition of twenty years previously, s. 293-311.

King R.P., Ekeh I.B.:

Status and seasonality in the physico-chemical hydrology of a Nigerian headwater stream, s. 313-328.

Krywult M.:

Effect of acidification of small ponds in the Polish High Tatra Mountains by fallout of pollutants, s. 329-344.

Kawecka B.:

The effect of flood-control regulation of a montane stream on the communities of sessile algae, s. 345-354.

Czernaś K., Krupa D., Wojciechowski I., Galek J.:

The effect of disturbance of the substratum on production of psammolittoral algae, s. 355-362.

Rakowska B.:

Diatom communities in the microbenthos of the River Rawka (Central Poland), s. 363-375.

Siciński J.:

Chironomid taxocens of the muddy bottom of the River Pilica (Central Poland), s. 377-390.

Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the springs of the Kraków-Częstochowa and the Miechów Uplands (Poland), s. 391-405.

Singh H.R., Nautiyal P.:

Altitudinal changes and the impact of municipal sewage on the community structure of macrobenthic insects in the torrential reaches of the River Ganges in the Garhwal Himalaya (India), s. 407-421.

Dumnicka E., Kukuła K.:

The communities of oligochaetes of the Wołosatka and Terebowiec streams (the Bieszczady National Park, Southeastern Poland), s. 423-435.

Brzuska E., Ryszka F.:

An attempt at stimulating maturation and ovulation of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) oocytes with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), s. 437-446.

Ufodike E.B.C., Omoregie E.:

Acute toxicity of gammalin 20 and actellic EC to Oreochromis niloticus niloticus, s. 447-455.

Gwiazda R.:

An attempt at estimating the trophic role of birds during formation of the ecosystem of the Dobczyce Reservoir (basin of the River Vistula, Southern Poland), s. 457-467.