Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal 1889) – Guzak arachidowy – Peanut root-knot nematode

Information in Alien Species in Poland database are purely scientific and not legally binding.


The species is alien in whole area of its current or past occurrence in Poland

Currently present in man-made habitats

Reproducing in man-made habitats

Invasive alien species

Greenhouse pest.


  • Nowaczyk K., Dobosz R., Budziszewska M., Kornobis S., Obrępalska-Stęplowska A. 2008. Charakterystyka morfometryczna i genetyczna polskich populacji Meloidogyne hapla i Meloidogyne arenaria Progress in Plant Protection 48: 126-130. link

Life form: Nematode

Phylum: Nemata
Class: Secernentea
Order: Tylenchida
Family: Meloidogynidae

English synonyms: Groundnut root knot nematode; Root-knot nematode disease