Erysiphe catalpae Simonjan

Information in Alien Species in Poland database are purely scientific and not legally binding.


The species is alien in whole area of its current or past occurrence in Poland

Detailed status not assessed yet

Invasive alien species


Earliest introduction/record

in 1931

Types of transport

  • Unintentional transport to Poland

Pathways of introduction

  • Parasites on plants (including species transported by host and vector)

Type of release into natural environment

  • Transport – Contaminant


  • Ale-Agha N., Bolay A., Braun U., Feige B., Jage H., Kummer V., Lebeda A., Piątek M., Shin H., Zimmermannová-Pastirčaková K. 2004. Erysiphe catalpae and Erysiphe elevata in Europe 291-296.
  • Piątek M. 2014. Erysiphe catalpae and Erysiphe elevata in Europe Mycological Progress 3: 291-296. Instytut Botanki im. Władysława Szafera link

Life form: Micro-organism

Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Leotiomycetes
Order: Erysiphales
Family: Erysiphaceae