Myzus persicae Sulzer 1776 – Mszyca brzoskwiniowa – Peach aphid

Information in Alien Species in Poland database are purely scientific and not legally binding.


The species is alien in whole area of its current or past occurrence in Poland

Currently present in the environment

Reproducing in the environment

Numbers or/and range stable

Invasive alien species

Impact on native biodiversity and local economy

Habitats in invaded range

Woodland, forest and other wooded land


  • Łabanowski G. 2009. Szkodniki roślin ozdobnych zawlekane do polskich szklarni. Progress in Plant Protection 1714-1723. link
  • Mapa Bioróżnorodności [online] 2015. Krajowa Sieć Informacji o Bioróżnorodności link
  • Wieczorek K. 2011. Aphid species alien to Poland (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 203-224. link

Life form: Insect

Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Aphididae

Scientific synonyms: Myzodes persicae (Sulzer, 1776); Nectarosiphon persicae (Sulzer, 1776)

English synonyms: Peach-potato aphid