Sharing data

The database is not operated commercially. The data are only made available for the synthetic analyses undertaken for scientific purposes and for the needs of nature conservation. The unpublished relevés are available in a limited manner, only after official consent has been obtained from the person administering the database and the authors of the data.

Requests for access to data, with information on the purpose of its use, criteria for selection of relevés and the format of the data file, should be directed to the following address: Joanna Korzeniak

The formats of exported files are as follows: .xlm, .xls, .cc!, txt

We invite you to use the resources of the database and augment it with your relevés! The intention of those who created the database is to turn it into a platform for exchange of knowledge, in order to make the studies on grassland vegetation more intensive and efficient.

Despite the diligence exercised in entering phytosociological relevés, and periodic verification of records, the data in this database may contain errors. We request that you notify us of any errors and shortcomings using the following address: Joanna Korzeniak

Citation instruction

Using the data from the database in a publication involves the obligation to include the following citation: Korzeniak J. 2013. Scope and data set of the phytosociological database ‘Grasslands in the Polish Carpathians’. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 82(3): 237-242.

At the same time, the publications from which the relevés are derived should be cited. If unpublished materials were used, the authors of the relevés should be quoted. The citations may be omitted in cases where many different sources were used without a clear predominance being attributed to any of them, and when the type of publication does not permit listing of all the sources.