Commune: Radków (pow. włoszczowski, woj. świętokrzyskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Late Glacial stratigraphy.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Loess with malacofauna.

Comparative assessment justification:
Typical profile of Vistulian loess, profiles in Księgnice, Dankowice and Biały Kościół.

Protection status and accessibility:
Projected documentary site of inanimate nature.

Character of site: Natural outcrop

Area: 1.0 ha

Altitude: 400 m a.s.l.

Lithology: sandstones, conglomerates, breccias, silts, clays, loesses

Discipline: Geomorphology, Palaeoenvironment, Stratigraphy of Quaternary

Process Age: Pleistocene, *all periods

Bedrock Age: Pleistocene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
The outcrop in Tłumaczów is situated on the wright bank of The Włodzica Straem. The basement is forming of sandstone and conglomerates of Permian age. These rocks are overlaying by yellow loess-like deposits They are alternated with thin intercalations of solifluction, slope sediments. Coarser material occur mainly in the middle part of the profile The log reaching the thickness of 5.40 m. Heavy mineral are represented mainly by garnet, zircon, muscovite and biotite. The analysis of composition of the assemblage of heavy minerals indicate an important influence of slope processes in the lower interval of the log, while in its upper part the participation of aeolian material markedly increase. The described loess and loess-like deposits contains rich and differentiated molluscan communities. In the lower part of the sequence the fauna is composed of species typical of cold climate and relatively wet environments. It corresponds with the final stage of last Interpleniglacial. Community abundant with cold-loving species found in the middle part of the sequence referring to the main phase of loess accumulation during the Pleniglacial. The poor community recognized in the uppermost section corresponds with the more wet climate and detention of loess accumulation. Aeolian deposits outcropped in Tłumaczów have been accumulated between 25 000 and 14 000 years BP.


ALEXANDROWICZ W.P. 1999–Malakofauna pylastych osadów w Tłumaczowie (Polish only). Mat III Sem Lessowego 3-4.     ALEXANDROWICZ W.P., CISZEK D, ŁOPUSZYŃSKA M. 2001–Profil i malakofauna lessów w Tłumaczowie na Dolnym Śląsku (Polish only). Spraw. z Pos. i Czynn. PAU; t: LXIV: 175-177.     CISZEK D. 1999–Charakterystyka genetyczna oraz warunki sedymentacji osadów pylastych z Tłumaczowa (Sudety Środkowe) (Polish only). Mat III Sem Lessowego 3-4.     CHLEBOWSKI R., CISZEK D., JARY Z. 2001–Charakterystyka lessów z Tłumaczowa (Polish only). Mat IX Sem Korelacja stratygraficzna lessów i utworów lodowcowych Polski i Ukrainy 41-48.