Commune: Nowy Targ (pow. nowotarski, woj. małopolskie) , Nowy Targ (pow. nowotarski, woj. małopolskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Palinological sequence.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Peat-bog with Pleistocene and Holocene plant pollen and remains.

Comparative assessment justification:
Complete palynological sequence of young Dryas and Holocene. Similar pollen sequences was described in some other localities of utilized peat-bogs in Podhale Basin.

Protection status and accessibility:
Nature reserve since 1956 (49.7 ha) , enlarged in 2003 to 114.66 ha with buffer zone 68.40 ha.

Character of site: Natural outcrop.

Area: 114.66 ha

Altitude: 620 m a.s.l.

Lithology: peats

Discipline: Palaeobiology, Stratigraphy of Quaternary

Process Age: Holocene, Pleistocene, *all periods

Bedrock Age: Pleistocene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
Peat bog comprises a full plant sequence of Young Dryas and Holocene. The decline of Younger Dryas was a period of the forest-tundra vegetation, which at the beginning of the Holocene gradually turned into pine forests. Starting from Boreal Phase the forests became denser and a few pollen zones can be distinguished during this period. The progressive warming of the climate is marked by expansion of the mixed and deciduous forests with Quercus and Tilia. The phase of domination of the deciduous trees and the optimum development of mixed-oak forests was connected with the Atlantic Phase. Spruce began to expand intensely approx. 6 ka BP. Around 5 ka BP the area occupied by the spruce forests dominated absolutely. About 4-3.5 ka BP all the recent forest communities were formed. Uppermost part of the sequence corresponds with growing human impact. It is indicated by increasing proportion of apophytes and athropophytes pollen. The results of the palynological investigations were supplemented by numerous radiocarbon analyses.


DYAKOWSKA J. 1928–Historia torfowiska na Czerwonym pod Nowym Targiem w świetle analizy pyłkowej (Polish only). Spraw. Komis. Fizjogr. PAU 63: 129-150.     KOPEROWA W. 1962–The history of Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation in Nowy Targ Basin. Acta Paleobot. Pol. 2 (3): 3075.     OBIDOWICZ A. 1978–Genese und Stratigrafie des Moores "Bór na Czerwonem" in Orawa - Nowy Targ Mulde. Fragm. flor. geobot. 24, 3: 447-466.     OBIDOWICZ A. 1989–Type region P-a: Inner West Carpathians –Nowy Targ Basin. Acta Paleobot. 29: 11-17.     OBIDOWICZ A. 1990–Eine pollenanalytische und moorkundlische Studie zur Vegetationgeschichte des Podhale-Gebites (West-Karpaten). Acta Paleobot. 30: 147-219.     NIEZABITOWSKI E. 1922–Wysokie torfowiska Podhala i konieczność ich ochrony (Polish only). Ochrona Przyrody 3: 26-34.