Commune: Czorsztyn (pow. nowotarski, woj. małopolskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Volcanic rocks (andesite), related to marginal zone of the Inner Carpathians.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Volcanic rocks, magnetic anomaly.

Comparative assessment justification:
Volcanic rocks in the Carpathians occur in Poland only in the western peripherial part of these mountains (“teschinite”) and in narrow zone near the north margin of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Pieniny andesite), where Mt Wdżar is situated. Paleomagnetic analyses suggest correlation of the andesite with volcanic intrusions of the Inner Carpathians in Slovakia.

Protection status and accessibility:
Proposed for protection, located near the road Nowy Targ-Szczawnica, the mount summit is accessible with chair-lift, northern part of the mount is used for skiing.

Character of site: Quarries, natural outcrops and crags.

Area: 0.86 ha

Altitude: 680-750 m a.s.l.

Lithology: other igneous rocks, hydrotermal veins, conglomerates, breccias

Discipline: Petrography, Tectonics

Process Age: *all periods

Bedrock Age: Neogene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
Mt Wdżar is formed of Paleogene flysch of Szczawnica Fm, which are cut by dykes of andesite. Two generations of dykes and four petrographic types of andesite have been distinguished here. Older intrusion (Early Badenian) is represented by dykes of W-E directions formed of three types of andesite: 1) plagioclase-amphibole type (the oldest one), 2) magnetite type, 3) amphibole-augite type. The younger generation (Late Badenian-Sarmatian) is represented by amfibole-augite andesite forming one large dyke (excavated in the Snozka and Tulka quarries in the past). Types of andesite represent sequence of chemical changes from alkaline to more acidic volcanics, what is connected with gradual assimilation of flysch by intruding magma. Andesite and andesite-sedimentary rocks breccias of volcanic, subvolcanic and tectonic origin and tuffaceous rocks are associated with dykes. Rocks of the Szczawnica Fm are slightly affected by hydrothermal process in thin contact zone (zeolitization and carbonatization). The older andesite intrusions were related to opening of subordinate faults near the main shear zone of northern margin of Pieniny Klippen Belt after Savian phase due to tectonic stress realising. The younger andesite generation follows the transverse faults of Styrian phase and represents post-tectonic form in relation to Styrian compression. In the andesite rock crest situated above the quarry Snozka magnetic anomaly caused likely by thunder strike is observed. In the site compass needle shows deviation 180º.


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