Commune: Fredropol (pow. przemyski, woj. podkarpackie)

Framework element or context represented:
Stratygraphy and palaeoenvironment of deposits in the marginal zone of the flysh Carpathian nappes.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Lower Miocene conglomerate on the border of the Outer Flysch Carpathians.

Comparative assessment justification:
Stratotype of Lower Miocene Dubnik conglomerate composed with exotic of different age.

Protection status and accessibility:
Protection as documentary site of inanimate nature (1995).

Character of site: Natural outcrop.

Area: 0.5 ha

Altitude: 250 m a.s.l.

Lithology: conglomerates, breccias

Discipline: Geomorphology, Palaeoenvironment, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic, Tectonics

Process Age: *all periods

Bedrock Age: Neogene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
The site represents a natural outcrop forming a steep, rocky promontory in a low terrace of the left bank of the Wiar river in the hamlet Dubnik. The rocky form is about 100 m long and up to 20 m high, built of a conglomeratic complex lying in the reversed position (165/50/SW), developed in the facies of the oldest Stebnik Beds. The rocks are sandy-conglomeratic with large-scale cross-bedding. They contain pebbles with the diameters up to 20 cm, derived, according to some authors exclusively, and to some others almost exclusively from extra-Carpathian material, i.e. from the Dobrudja - Holy Cross structural ridge. The inventory of the pebbles includes mainly Jurassic limestones (Oxfordian, Titonian); green and red, Precambrian (?) phyllites, quartzites, granites, gneisses, porphyries, and also cherts, sandstones and marls. These strata, of a marginal character, were deposited in a pericratonic trough, situated along the then edge of the Outer Carpathian geosyncline, as a result of diastrophic processes taking part there. Such an origin is also indicated by the transport direction of the material in the conglomerates from NW to SE. The complex described rests as a lensoidal lithosome on the peri-Carpathian salt-bearing formation and under the Stebnik Beds, and belongs to the Kniażyce scale of the Borysław-Pokucie Unit.


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