Commune: Łabowa (pow. nowosądecki, woj. małopolskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Important element of the geomorphological framework in Flysch Carpathians.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Large area of landslide forms, dated phase of mass movement activity.

Comparative assessment justification:
The large slide area rich in different forms typical for flysch Carpathian relief.

Protection status and accessibility:
A few rocky elements of a landslide zone are protected as two nature monuments (1987, 1990). Setting a nature reserve for a whole landslide zone (ca. 12 ha) is proposed.

Character of site: Landslide forms.

Area: 12 ha

Altitude: 820-1070 m a.s.l.

Lithology: sandstones

Discipline: Geomorphology

Process Age: Holocene, *all periods

Bedrock Age: Holocene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
A broad landslide zone, occurring on high-elevated slopes of the ridge running northward from a culmination called Wierch and Kamieniem, is the best example of typical landslide’s relief associated with erosion developed in valley head. The landslide developed gradually in thick bedded Magura sandstones (Magura Unit) underlaied by thin-bedded flysch of the Zarzecze Formation. Rock masses, cut from rocky head scarp (actually ca. 15m high) were transported as great sandstone packet, divided (during movement) by rock trenches to some narrow ridges rich in rocky tors and debris. In lower part of sandstone block-colluvium, fissure cave talus type (called Niedźwiedzia Cave) was developed. This cave represents one of the longest form (611m long) in the Polish segment of the Beskidy Mts. The Niedźwiedzia Cave was developed partly along transversal fault. Main type of landslide’s movement was toppling (translational and rotational displacement are weakly represented). Lowest parts of landslide were developed as colluvial swells (ramparts), colluvial steps and creeping forms (mixed colluvial material), rejuvenated by secondary landslides. One of period of these secondary landslides activity, were dated by 14C at 770 ±100 years BP. The described large area of landslide forms comprises various typical features of mass movements in the Carpathians.


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