Commune: Andrychów (pow. wadowicki, woj. małopolskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Silesian Unit - lithostratigraphy, sedimentological structures, trace-fossils.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Gently folded sequence of Aptian – Campanian siliceous and carbonate flysch of Silesian Unit.

Comparative assessment justification:
Unique lithological sequence of Aptian – Campanian siliceous and carbonate flysch. Supplementary profiles in Kaczyna, and Ponikiew near Wadowice.

Protection status and accessibility:
Veřovice Beds are protected as documentary site of inanimate nature (2000), application leading to protection of outcrops of the Lgota Beds, variegated shales and siliceous marls are prepared.

Character of site: Natural outcrops.

Area: 1.12 ha

Altitude: 365-405 m a.s.l.

Lithology: sandstones, other siliceous rocks, limestones, marls, shales

Discipline: Palaeobiology, Geomorphology, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic, Tectonics

Process Age: *all periods

Bedrock Age: Cretaceous, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
The profile of flysch deposits outcropped along the Rzyczanka Stream Valley begins with gently folded Veřovice black shales with intercalations of thin-bedded laminated sandstones and local siderite concentrations. In some sandstones different taxons of trace fossils are well visible. Several stratigraphical species of dinocysts have been found. They establish the age of Veřovice Beds on Aptian and Lower Albian. Upstream the occurrence of medium and thin-bedded laminated quartzitic sandstones is noted. Veřovice Beds gradually passing upward into Middle Lgota Beds. They are developed as thin bedded quartzitic, dark, sandstones with distinct parallel and cross lamination. They are intercalated by dark quartzitic shales. Lgota Beds contain a relatively low diverse trace fossils assemblage and frequent and well-preserved dinocysts. A few small faults can be visible. The Lgota Beds represents Upper Albian and Cenomanian. Upstream the red and green variegated, non-calcareous shales are exposed. The shales contain single layers of radiolarites. They are covered with a complex of light, rhythmically bedded turbiditic limestones and marlstones intercalated by marly shales. The limestones and marlstones contain a differentiated assemblage of trace fossils. Rich dinocysts community supplemented by poorly preserved nannofossil and single shells of bivalves are noted. Variegated shales and carbonate flysch complex corresponds with Middle Turonian and Lower Coniacian. Up the stream the carbonate complex passes into medium and thick-bedded glauconitic sandstones of the Godula Beds.


ALEXANDROWICZ W.P. 2003–Stop 2. Rzyczanka Stream. In: A. Ber, Z. Alexandrowicz (eds) Geological heritage concept, conservation and protection policy in Central Europe. Abstracts and fiels trip guide-book: 85.     CIESZKOWSKI M., GEDL E., ŚLĄCZKA A., UCHMAN. A. 2001–Stop C2 – Rzyki Village. 12th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies.     KSIĄŻKIEWICZ M. 1932–Budowa geologiczna brzeżnych Beskidów Wadowickich i ich stosunek do przedmurza (Polish only). Rocz. Pol. Tow. Geol. 8 (1): 49-93.     KSIĄŻKIEWICZ M. 1951–Objaśnienia do arkusza Wadowice (Polish only). Wyd. PIG: 3-283.     ŚLĄCZKA A.,KAMINSKI M. 1998–A Giudebook to Excursion in the Polish Flysch Carpathians. Stop 8: 47-49.