Commune: Tomaszów Lubelski (pow. tomaszowski, woj. lubelskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Miocene deposits of the marginal part of the Carpathian Foredeep basin.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Sequence of Upper Badenian fossiliferous and detritical sediments.

Comparative assessment justification:
Representative profile of the Upper Badenian shalow marine deposits.

Protection status and accessibility:
Proposed for protection as documentary site. The site well accessible is situated in the Puszcza Solecka Landscape Park.

Character of site: Outcrops

Area: 2 ha

Altitude: 300 m a.s.l.

Lithology: sandstones, shales, sands

Discipline: Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic

Process Age: *all periods

Bedrock Age: Neogene, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
Close to Huta Różaniecka village, there are numerous exposures on the southern side of a long elevation, elongated parallel to the southern edge of the Roztocze Hills. The section starts with poorly coherent, sandy-rhodolithic deposits, with rhodoliths of up to 4 cm diameter. They are cross and trough cross-stratified, and the north-eastern component predominates among the stratification dip directions. Lithification of the quartz-rhodolithic deposits changes from unconsolidated sands to strongly cemented sandstone interlayers. Above the quartz-rhodolithic deposits, an abundant accumulation having a form of a continuous layer of bivalve casts and shells, with a character of a coquina bed occurs. It is overlain by quartz and quartz-glauconite sands. The sands are alternately cross- and horizontally-stratified. Above them rests a thick complex of cross-stratified calcarenites, with a variable degree of sandiness. In the uppermost part of the section the degree of sandiness of the deposits increases, and thick sets of cross-stratified sandy calcarenites start to occur. Based on the dip directions of the cross-stratification in the uppermost part of the section, transport of the material took place generally towards the south-east, varying in azimuth between 49° and 190°. Due to the occurrence in the calcarenites of the index Bolboforma badenenis and Velapertina sp., these deposits were included in the Upper Badenian.


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