Commune: Jerzmanowice-Przeginia (pow. krakowski, woj. małopolskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Landscape of limestone hardrocks of Polish Jura Chain.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Limestone hardrocks raising above the old planation surface, Upper Jurassic carbonate buildups.

Comparative assessment justification:
An example of landscape rocky scenery of the Polish Jura Chain. Most interesting limestone rocky relief with signs of gravitational disintegration of tors. Jurassic carbonate buildups are similary as in Schwäbische Alb.

Protection status and accessibility:
Nature monuments in Dolinki Krakowskie Landscape Park; the area proposed as S-part of the Jurassic Geopark. Many tourist trails.

Character of site: Rocky limestone landscape.

Area: c. 15 ha

Altitude: 450 - 512,8 m a.s.l.

Lithology: limestones

Discipline: Geomorphology, Palaeoenvironment, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic

Process Age: Paleogene, *all periods

Bedrock Age: Jurassic, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
Several groups of limestone tors rising over the Paleogene planation surface at the top of the Ojców Plateau in Jerzmanowice (Krakow Upland). The rocky hill called Grodzisko in Jerzmanowice is the culminating point (512,8 m a.s.l.) of this plateau. In the vicinity of Jerzmanowice occur 33 rocky forms: tors, groups of tors and rocky hills formed of Upper Jurassic massive limestones (Oxfordian). Their heights are 3–30 m, in most cases about 10 m. According to results of detail microfacial analyses these are mainly carbonate cyanobacterial-sponge buildups. As more resistant to erosion and denudation in relation to the surrounding bedded limestones they tower over the whole landscape. Numerous tors are divided with gaping joint fissures. Karst phenomena represented by microrelief covering the surface of rocks and by several caves are typical features of this area. Limestone tors on the large planation surface are the typical features of the landscape of the Cracow Upland. This characteristic relief developed since Paleogene under climatic conditions changing considerably. The rocky landforms generated by karst processes spread over the plateau are described as mogotes, monadnocks, hardrocks, limestone tors and rocky hills. During the Pleistocene the periglacial climate accelerated the congelifraction and relaxation of this landforms. In the Holocene the modification of the relief was controlled by both climatic and anthropogenic factors. Fossil rendzina soil dated at 1500 years B.P.


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