Commune: Szydłów (pow. staszowski, woj. świętokrzyskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Sedimentological structures.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Large scale cross bedding of the Upper Miocene organodetrical limestones.

Comparative assessment justification:
Similar large – scale cross bedding is present in the Stołowe Mts National Park (Sudetes) in the Upper Cretaceous sandstones.

Protection status and accessibility:
The outcrop is protected as the nature monument.

Character of site: Outcrop.

Area: 0.5 ha

Altitude: 210-230 m a.s.l.

Lithology: limestones, shales

Discipline: Palaeoenvironment, Petrography, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic

Process Age: *all periods

Bedrock Age: Neogene, Triassic, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
In the outcrop, organodetrital limestones of Sarmatian age can be seen. They were formed as the result of the abrasion of the older Badenian limestones. Detrital, well rounded, lithotamnia colonies are their main component. Mollusc’s shells and debris of bryozoans are present in smaller amounts. In the lower part limestones are horizontally bedded. In the upper part they show large-scale diagonal bedding / stratification of 12 metres thickness and of the extension (in transport direction) up to 650 metres. The directions of the laminae show small variation with the prevailing inclination of 15-25 degrees. They indicate on the direction of transport towards south. In the northern part of the quarry laminae are strongly folded, indicating on submarine slump. Similar structures are seen in Smerdyna and Podmaleniec near Staszów.


JERZYKIEWICZ T. 1968–Sedymentation of the Youngest  Sandstones of the Intrasudetic Cretaceous Basin. (English sum.) Geologia Sudetica 4. 409-462.     ŁAPTAŚ A. 1992–Geant – scale cross bedded miocene biocalcarenites in the northern margin of the Carpatians Foredeep. Ann. Soc. Geol. Pol. 62, 2:149-67.     RUTKOWSKI J. 1969–Remaks on the sedimentation of Sarmatian detrital deposits  in the margin of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (English sum.). Kwart Geol. l3, 1: 177-184.     RUTKOWSKI J. 1976–Detrital sarmatian deposits on the southern magin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Southern Poland) (English sum.). Prace Geologiczne PAN. 100: 7-71.