Commune: Jędrzejów (pow. jędrzejowski, woj. świętokrzyskie)

Framework element or context represented:
Shallow-marine facies and ubiquitous fossils.

Primary geological/geomorphological interest:
Fossiliferous shallow-marine carbonate facies of Jurassic age.

Comparative assessment justification:
Great facies diversity of carbonate platform of the Bahamian type, the only of Late Jurassic (Lower Kimmeridgian) time in Europe.

Protection status and accessibility:
The quarry is proposed to protection; it accessibility due to quarry permission, now.

Character of site: Abandoned parts of the quarry.

Area: ca. 5 ha

Altitude: 280-295 m a.s.l.

Lithology: shales

Discipline: Palaeobiology, Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic

Process Age: Quaternary, *all periods

Bedrock Age: Jurassic, *all periods

Description of primary interest:
The Late Jurassic (Lower to low-Upper Kimmeridgian) sequence of a carbonate platform of the Bahamian type developed widely across the area of Central Poland, and exposed at Małogoszcz Quarry, displays a variety of facies ranging from oolitic shoals and cross-bedded banks, intraoolitic shallow basins, to deeper offshore facies fluctuating into oyster coquinas (Actinostreon and/or Nanogyra shellbeds) of tempesite and/or storm shellbar origin. Ubiquitous fossils of various kinds, echinodermas in particular (echinoids Rhabdocidaris, Gymnocidaris, Holectypus; free-living crinoids Comatulina, stalked Apiocrinites; ophiuroids and starfish), as well as ammonites, non-ostreid bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, isopods and lobsters make up a far-fame of the site. Easy insight into ancient oolitic banks and oyster shellbars.


KUTEK J., MATYJA B.A., RADWAŃSKI A. & WIERZBOWSKI A. 1992–Large quarry of cement work at Małogoszcz: Kimmeridgian. In: B.A. Matyja, A. Wierzbowski & A. Radwański (Eds), Oxfordian & Kimmeridgian Joint Working Groups Meeting: Guide Book & Abstracts, pp. 30-34. Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw; Warszawa.     MATYJA B. A. & WIERZBOWSKI A. 1996–The quarry of Cement-plant "Małogoszcz". In: Analiza basenów sedymentacyjnych a nowoczesna sedymentologia, pp. A-11 - A-16. Warszawa.     MATYJA B. A. & WIERZBOWSKI A. 2000–Biostratigraphical correlations between the Subboreal Mutabilis Zone and the Submediterranean Upper Hyselocyclum-Divisum Zones of the Kimmeridgian: new data from northern Poland. GeoResearch Forum 6: 129-136. Zürich.     RADWAŃSKA U. 1999–Lower Kimmeridgian echinoids of Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 49 (4): 287-364.     RADWAŃSKA U. 2005–Lower Kimmeridgian comatulid crinoids of the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 55 (3):.....     RADWAŃSKA U. & RADWAŃSKI A. 2003–Life habitat, burial, and epibionts of the brachiopod Sellithyris subsella (LEYMERIE, 1846) from Lower Kimmeridgian shellbeds of Małogoszcz. Tomy Jurajskie 1: 85-92. Warszawa.     RADWAŃSKA U. & RADWAŃSKI A. 2004–Tiered burrows of alpheid shrimps and their eco-taphonomic significance in the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of the Holy Cross Mountains. Tomy Jurajskie 2: 113-130. Warszawa.     RADWAŃSKI A. 1995–A unique "trilobite-like" fossil - the isopod Cyclosphaeroma malogostianum sp.n. from the Lower Kimmeridgian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 45 (1/2): 9-25.