publikacje z listy filadelfijskiej
Abd Latip M.A., Nordin N.F.H., Alias S.A., Smykla J., Yusof F., Mohamad M.A.N. 2024.
Functional metagenomics approach for discovery of novel cold-active protease from Antarctic region. IIUM Engineering Journal 25 (2): 69-82. DOI: 10.31436/iiumej.v25i2.3090.
Abu Bakar N., Chung B.L.Y., Smykla J., Karsani S.A., Alias S.A. 2024.
Proteomic characterization of Pseudogymnoascus spp. isolates from polar and temperate regions. Mycologia 116 (3): 449-463. DOI 10.1080/00275514.2024.2313429.
Abu Bakar N., Lau B.Y.C., González-Aravena M., Smykla J., Krzewicka B., Karsani S.A., Alias S.A. 2024.
Geographical Diversity of Proteomic Responses to Cold Stress in the Fungal Genus Pseudogymnoascus. Microbial Ecology 87 (1): 11. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-023-02311-w.
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Ali N., Khan M.H., Ali M., Sidra, Ahmad S., Khan A., Nabi G., Ali F., Bououdina M., Kyzas G.Z 2024.
Insight into microplastics in the aquatic ecosystem: Properties, sources, threats and mitigation strategies. Science of the Total Environment 913: 169489.
Amer N.R., Stoks R., Antoł A., Śniegula S. 2024.
Microgeographic differentiation in thermal and antipredator responses and their carry-over effects across life stages in a damselfly. PLoS One, Public Library of Science 19 (2): e0295707.
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Arct A., Martyka R., Drobniak S. M., Gustafsson L., Cichoń M. 2024.
Temperature variability is associated with the occurrence of extrapair paternity in blue tits. Behavioral Ecology 35: arad106. [DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arad106].
Aziz T., Qadir R., Anwar F., Naz S., Nazir N., Nabi G., Haiying C., Lin L., Alharbi M., Alasmari A.F 2024.
Optimal Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Phenolics from Leaves of Pongamia pinnata via Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networking. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology: 1-18.
Banach A., Flis A., Kusal B., Łożyńska H., Ledwoń M. 2024.
Sex ratio and sex-specific chick mortality in a species with moderate sexual size dimorphism and female brood desertion. Journal of Ornithology: (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-024-02182-z).
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Blanvillain G., Lorch J.M., Joudrier N., Bury S., Cuenot T., Franzen M., Martínez-Freiría F., Guiller G., Halpern B., Kolanek A., Kurek K., Lourdais O., Michon A., Musilová R., Schweiger S., Szulc B., Ursenbacher S., Zinenko O., Hoyt J.R. 2024.
Contribution of host species and pathogen clade to snake fungal disease hotspots in Europe. Communications Biology 7 (1): 440.
Chmielowski K., Halecki W., Masłoń A., Bąk Ł., Kalenik M., Spychała M., Bedla D., Pytlowany T., Paśmionka I.B., Sikora J., Sionkowski T. 2024.
The Efficiency of a Biological Reactor in a Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating Based on ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) Material and Recycled PUR (Polyurethane) Foam. Sustainability 16 (3): 1149.
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De Pelsmaeker N., Ferry N., Stiegler J., Selva N., von Hoermann C., Müller J., Heurich M. 2024.
Seasonal variability of scavenger visitations is independent of carrion predictability. Basic and Applied Ecology 79: 57-64.
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Flis A., Skórka P., Król W. 2024.
Habitat preferences of a secretive marsh bird using a man-made habitat: the case of Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus minutus). The European Zoological Journal 91 (1): 21-30.
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Fröhlich A., Ducatez S., Němec P., Sol D. 2024.
Light conditions and the evolution of the visual system in birds. Evolution 78 (7): 1237-1247.
Fröhlich A., Przepióra F., Drobniak S., Mikusiński G., Ciach M. 2024.
Public safety considerations constraint the conservation of large old trees and their crucial ecological heritage in urban green spaces. Science of The Total Environment 948: 174919.
Gerber N., Riesch F., Bojarska K., Zetsche M., Rohwer N.K., Signer J., Isselstein J., Herzog S., Okarma H., Kuijper D.P.J., Balkenhol N. 2024.
Do recolonising wolves trigger non‐consumptive effects in European ecosystems? A review of evidence. Wildlife Biology: e01229.
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Gołąb M.J., Brodin T. 2024.
Looks or personality: what drives damselfly male mating success in the wild?. The European Zoological Journal 91 (1): 81-93.
Grzywaczewski G., Morelli F., Skórka P. 2024.
Gutiérrez-Zapata S., Santoro S., Gegúndez M. E., Selva N., Calzada J. 2024.
Dog invasions in Protected Areas: a case study using camera trapping, citizen science and artificial intelligence. Global Ecology and Conservation: e03109.
Hajdukiewicz H., Hajdukiewicz M., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Radecki-Pawlik A., Zawiejska J. 2024.
Exploring historical changes in mountain river hydrodynamics induced by human impact. Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier.
Halabowski, D., Sousa, R., Lopes‑Lima, M., Killeen, I., Aldridge, D., Zając, K., Mageroy, J. H., Cossey, D. A., Urbańska, M., Österling, M., Prié, V. 2024.
Off the conservation radar: the hidden story of Europe’s tiny pea clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Biodiversity and Conservation DOI: 10.1007/s10531-024-02921-x.
Hoffmann M.T., Ostapowicz K., Bartoń K., Ibisch P.L., Selva N. 2024.
Mapping roadless areas in regions with contrasting human footprint. Scientific Reports 14 (1): 4722.
Jagić K., Dvoršćak M., Sergiel A., Oster E., Lazarus M., Klinčić D. 2024.
First data on polybrominated diphenyl ethers and temporal trend of polychlorinated biphenyls in European brown bear as a bioindicator species. Chemosphere 362: 142637.
Kajzer-Bonk J., Śliwińska E.B., Malik K. 2024.
Plant invasion alters movement behaviour in endangered butterflies but not their morphology or genetic variability. Journal of Insect Conservation: 1-11.
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Krzewicka B., Parnikoza I., Ivanets V., Yevchun H., Smykla J. 2024.
Diversity and distribution of the lichen genus Umbilicaria in the Argentine Islands – Kyiv Peninsula region, the maritime Antarctic. Scientific Reports 14: 17310. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-65806-7.
Kwaśna D., Ćmiel A.M., Florek J., Nowak M., Adamski P., Bielański W., Książek L., Wyrębek M., Zając T. 2024.
Radiotelemetry reveals the dependence of inland tern breeding and foraging habitats on ADCP-identified sediment aggradation reaches in lowland rivers. Scientific Reports 14: 18735. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-69723-7.
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Ledwoń M., Neubauer G., Flis A., Banach A. 2024.
Female and male body condition in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida, a species with female offspring desertion: a test of the differential parental capacity hypothesis. Journal of Ornithology 165: 93-103.
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Lipińska A.M., Ćmiel A.M., Olejniczak P., Gąsienica-Staszeczek M. 2024.
Constraints on habitat possibilities: overwintering of a micro snail species facing climate change consequences in a harsh environment. Folia Biologica (Kraków) 72 (1): 1-10.
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Liro M., Zielonka A., Mikuś P. 2024.
First attempt to measure macroplastic fragmentation in rivers. Environment International: 108935.
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Lopes-Lima M., Geist J., Egg S., Beran L., Bikashvili A., Van Bocxlaer B., Bogan A.E., Bolotov I.N., Chelpanovskaya O.A., Douda K., Fernandes V., Gomes-dos-Santos A., Gonçalves D.V., Gürlek M.E., Johnson N.A., Karaouzas I., Kebapçı Ü., Kondakov A.V., Kuehn R., Lajtner J., Mumladze L., Nagel K-O., Neubert E., Österling M., Pfeiffer J., Prié V., Riccardi N., Sell J., Schneider L.D., Shumka S., Sîrbu I., Skujienė G., Smith C.H., Sousa R., Stöckl K., Taskinen J., Teixeira A., Todorov M., Trichkova T., Urbańska M., Välilä S., Varandas S., Veríssimo J., Vikhrev I.V., Woschitz G., Zając K., Zając T., Zanatta D., Zieritz A., Zogaris S., Froufe E. 2024.
Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 195: 108046; DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2024.108046.
Margielewski W., Krąpiec M., Buczek B., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Korzeń K., Niska M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wojtal A.Z., Mroczkowska A., Obidowicz A., Sala D., Drzewicki W., Barniak J., Urban J. 2024.
Hydrological variability of middle European peatland during the Holocene, inferred from subfossil bog pine and bog oak dendrochronology and high-resolution peat multiproxy analysis of the Budwity peatland (northern Poland). Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier 931: 172925.
Marini D., Szczygieł P., Kurek K., Di Nicola M.R., Dorne J.-L.C.M., Maria Luisa M.L., Rüeg J., Bury S., Kiraga Ł. 2024.
Retrospective Detection of Ophidiomyces ophidiicola from Snake Moults Collected in Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. Microorganisms 12 (7): 1467.
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Mikkelsen A.J., Hobson K.A., Sergiel A., Hertel A.G., Selva N., Zedrosser A. 2024.
Testing foraging optimization models in brown bears: Time for a paradigm shift in nutritional ecology?. Ecology 105: e4228.
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Misiewicz A., Filipiak Z.M., Kadyrova K., Bednarska A.J. 2024.
Combined effects of three insecticides with different modes of action on biochemical responses of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis. Chemosphere, Elsevier 359: 142233.
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Evaluating tramway infrastructure on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Scientific Reports 14 (1): 9394.
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Najberek K., Tokarska-Guzik B., Chmura D., Solarz W. 2024.
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Nasir A., Khan M., Noreen S., Rahman M.U., Zahid M., Shah S.A., Nabi G. 2024.
Vitamin B1 via Nrf-2/TLR4 signaling pathway ameliorates scopolamine-induced memory dysfunction in adult mice. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 17 (1): 105350.
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Pasierb B., Gajek G., Urban J., Nawrocki W. 2024.
Intergrated geophysical and geomorphological studies of caves in calcarenite limestones (Jaskinia pod Świecami Cave), Poland. Surveys in Geophysics: DOI: 10.1007/s10712-023-09821-9.
Pearman P.B., Broennimann O., Aavik T., Albayrak T., Alves P.C., Aravanopoulos F.A., Bertola L.D., Biedrzycka A., Buzan E., Cubric-Curik V., Djan M., Fedorca A., Fuentes-Pardo A.P., Fussi B., Godoy J.A., Gugerli F., Hoban S., Holderegger R., Hvilsom Ch., Iacolina L., Kalamujic Stroil B., Klinga P., Konopiński M.K., Kopatz A., Laikre L., Lopes-Fernandes M., McMahon B.J., Mergeay J., Neophytou Ch., Pálsson S., Paz-Vinas I., Posledovich D., Primmer C.R., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Rinkevich B., Rolečková B., Ruņģis D., Schuerz L., Segelbacher G., Kavčič Sonnenschein K., Stefanovic M., Thurfjell H., Träger S., Tsvetkov I.N., Velickovic N., Vergeer P., Vernesi C., Vilà C., Westergren M., Zachos F.E., Guisan A., Bruford M. 2024.
Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts. Nature Ecology & Evolution: DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02260-0.
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Sajjad W., Ilahi N., Haq A., Shang Z., Nabi G., Rafiq M., Bahadur A., Banerjee A., Kang S. 2024.
Bacteria populating freshly appeared supraglacial lake possess metals and antibiotic-resistant genes. Environmental Research 247: 118288.
Selva N., Hobson K.A., Zalewski A., Cortés-Avizanda A., Donázar J.A. 2024.
Mammal communities of primeval forests as sentinels of global change. Global Change Biology 30 (1): e17045; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17045.
Sowa G., Bednarska A.J., Laskowski R. 2024.
Mortality pattern of Poecilus cupreus beetles after repeated topical exposure to insecticide – Stochastic Death or Individual Tolerance?. Environmental Science & Technology, American Chemical Society.
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Szarek-Gwiazda E. 2024.
Trends of Major Ions in a Carpathian River in Poland: The Influence of Flow and Damming. Water 16: 1096.
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Teoh T.C., Rizman-Idid M., Wong H.J., Mohamad-Fauzi N., Abu Bakar N., Smykla J., Alias S.A. 2024.
Transcriptomic Evidence of Base and Nucleotide Excision Repair Mechanisms in Response to UV-B Radiation in an Arctic Fungus Pseudogymnoascus australis Strain HNDR4. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 51 (1): e2024029. DOI: 10.12982/CMJS.2024.029.
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Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science 384 (6701): 1191-1195.
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Wanghe K., Ahmad S., Zhou X., Tian F., Liu S., Zhou B., Nabi G., Wang G., Li K., Jian S., Jiang H. 2024.
Spatially explicit estimation of freshwater fish stock biomass with limited data: A case study of an endangered endemic fish on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment 912: 168717.
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Abd Latip M.A., Nordin N.F.H., Alias S.A, Smykla J., Yusof F., Mohamad M.A.N. 2023.
The optimization growth rate of a bacteria producing cold-active proteolytic enzyme from the Antarctic region. IIUM Engineering Journal 24 (1): 27-39. DOI 10.31436/iiumej.v24i1.2447.
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Fishing for hosts: larval spurting by the endangered thick-shelled river mussel, Unio crassus. Ecology 104 (5): e4026, DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4026.
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Anti-parasitic function of tree-rubbing behaviour in brown bears suggested by an in vitro test on a generalist ectoparasite. Journal of Zoology 319 (4): 296-307.
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Is the blue-spotted phenotype more widespread in the eastern slow worm Anguis colchica (Nordmann, 1840) than the western slow worm Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 and does it correlate with the male body size? A case study from Central Europe. Folia Biologica 71 (1): 45-51.
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Brown bear skin‑borne secretions display evidence of individuality and age‑sex variation. Scientific Reports 13 (1): 3163.
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An objective approach to select surrogate species for connectivity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1078649.
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Captive breeding of European freshwater mussels as a conservation tool: A review. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33 (11): 1321-1359, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.4018.
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Guerrero-Casado J., Dylewski Ł., Rosin Z.M., Skórka P., Wuczyński A., Tobolka M. 2023.
Spatial and thematic bias in the scientific literature on farmland birds across the globe. The European Zoological Journal 90 (2): 775-789.
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Differences of water chemistry, bird assemblages and nutrients loads introduced by waterbirds into morphologically similar waterbodies. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 52 (4): 430-436.
Hajdukiewicz H., Wyżga B. 2023.
Analysis of historical changes in planform geometry of a mountain river to inform design of erodible river corridor. Ecological Engineering, Elsevier 186: 106821.
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The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis. PNAS 120 (19): e2208389120.
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Hu P., Ali U., Aziz T., Wang L., Zhao J., Nabi G., Sameeh M.Y., Yu Y., Zhu Y. 2023.
Investigating the effect on biogenic amines, nitrite, and N-nitrosamine degradation in cultured sausage ripening through inoculation of Staphylococcus xylosus and lactic acid bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1156413.
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Jakubska-Busse A., Czeluśniak I., Hojniak M., Myśliwy M., Najberek K. 2023.
Chemical Insect Attractants Produced by Flowers of Impatiens spp. (Balsaminaceae) and List of Floral Visitors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (24): 17259.
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