
Boloria eunomia (Esper, 1799)
Bog Fritillary
Dostojka eunomia

Familia  Nymphalidae
Ordo  Lepidoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Cranberry Fritillary is a tyrphobiotic butterfly, inhabiting peat bogs with Vaccinium oxycoccos, which is a food plant of its larvae. In many parts of Europe, excluding Scandinavia and North-East Europe, it has isolated localities; in Poland the species only occurs in the northern, north-eastern and south-eastern regions of the country and has become extinct in other parts of Poland. Boloria aquilonaris is threatened by loss of habitat. Development of the system of nature reserves is proposed for this species. B. aquilonaris has been protected by law since 2001.
Literature  Buszko J. 1993. Atlas motyli Polski. I. Motyle dzienne (Rhopalocera). Grupa IMAGE, Warszawa, 269 ss.

Buszko J. 1997b. Atlas rozmieszczenia motyli dziennych w Polsce (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea) 1986-1995. Oficyna Wydawn. Turpress, Toruń, 170 ss.

Ebert G. (ed.) 1991a. Die Schmetterlinge Baden Württembergs, Band 1, Tagfalter I. E. Ulmer, Stuttgart, 552 ss.

Kudrna O. 2002. The distribution Atlas of European Butterflies. Oedippus 20, 343 pp.

Urbahn E., Urbahn H. 1939. Die Schmetterlinge Pommerns mit einem vergleichenden Überblick über den Ostseeraum. Stt. Ent. Ztg., Stettin, 100: 185-826.

Author  Jarosław Buszko