
Eriogaster catax (Linnaeus, 1758)

Barczatka kataks

Familia  Lasiocampidae
Ordo  Lepidoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Distribution area of Eriogaster catax (L.) encompasses Western and Southern Europe and locally warmer parts of Central Europe and Asia Minor. In Poland E. catax has not been reported since the early 1970s. Lately, in 2000, the occurrence of the species was confirmed in Lower Silesia after a lapse of 70 years. Moreover, a new locality was reported from the Zbocza Płutowskie nature reserve in northern Poland. It is the northernmost locality in the whole distribution area. Most of its localities were known from southern part of the country: the Lower Silesia Lowland, the Góry Bystrzyckie Mountains and some parts of the Carpathians. It was also known from two localities in central Poland. The maintenance of thermophilous shrubs of Prunus and Crataegus is of key importance for conservation of the species. Eriogaster catax is protected by law.
Literature  Bielewicz M. 1973. Motyle większe (Macrolepidoptera) Bieszczadów Zachodnich i Pogórza Przemyskiego. Roczn. Muz. Górnośl. w Bytomiu, Przyroda 7: 1-170.

Dubatolov V.V., Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. A list of the Lasiocampidae from the territory of the former USSR (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Wurzburg) 23, 3/4: 531-548.

Gaedike R., Heinicke W. 1999. Entomofauna Germanica Band 3. Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Deutschlands. Ent. Nach. und Ber., Dresden, 216 ss.

Oleksa A. 2002. Występowanie Eriogaster catax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) w Polsce. Przegl. przyr. 13 (1-2): 103-106.

Romaniszyn J., Schille F. 1929. Fauna motyli Polski. I. Prace monogr. Kom. Fizjogr. 6: 1-552.

Schintlmeister A. 1996. Lasiocampidae. In: The Lepidoptera of Europe. A Distributional Checklist. O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.). ApolloBooks, Stenstrup, Kobenhavn: 196-198.

Śliwiński Z. 1995. Wykaz motyli Wyżyny Łódzkiej. Biul. entomol. 8 (12): 2-6.

Wolf P. 1927-44. Die Großschmetterlinge Schlesiens. Teil 1-4, Auf Veranlassung des Vereins für schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau. Karl Vater, Breslau.

Author  Andrzej Oleksa