
Oeneis jutta (Hübner, 1806)
Baltic Grayling
Mszarnik jutta

Familia  Nymphalidae
Ordo  Lepidoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  The species is known from a few localities in north-eastern Poland; found at the margins of raised bogs and in marshy coniferous forests. Threats to Oeneis jutta include drainage, peat exploitation, plant succession and felling of marshy coniferous forests. Places of its occurrence should be protected as nature reserves. The species is protected by law in Poland.
Literature  Buszko J. 1993. Atlas motyli Polski. I. Motyle dzienne (Rhopalocera). Grupa IMAGE, Warszawa, 269 ss.

Buszko J. 1997b. Atlas rozmieszczenia motyli dziennych w Polsce (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea) 1986-1995. Oficyna Wydawn. Turpress, Toruń, 170 ss.

Henriksen H.J., Kreutzer I. 1982. Skandinaviens Dagsommerfugle i Naturen, Skandinavisk Bogforlag, Odense, 215 pp.

Kudrna O. 2002. The distribution Atlas of European Butterflies. Oedippus 20, 343 pp.

Romaniszyn J., Schille F. 1929. Fauna motyli Polski. I. Prace monogr. Kom. Fizjogr. 6: 1-552.

Author  Jarosław Buszko