
Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791)

Familia  Palingeniidae
Ordo  Ephemeroptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Palingenia longicauda It is a very rare and critically endangered South-Central European species, connected with large lowland rivers. In Poland it occurred in the Vistula River and its tributaries still at the beginning of the 20th century but since then its presence has not been observed (recorded); it most probably has become extinct. Larvae of this mayfly live in thick silt-clayey bottom deposits, digging there U-shaped burrows. The species is believed to have become extinct due to destruction of its habitat, primarily due to river regulation and water pollution. Its reintroduction is possible in Poland but the chances of success are meagre. Not protected by law in Poland.
Literature  Clutius A. 1634. De Hemerobio sive Ephemero insecto et majali verme. Amsterdam: 66-104.

Dziędzielewicz J. 1867. Wykaz owadów siatkoskrzydłych (Neuroptera). Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr. 1: 158-165.

Dziędzielewicz J. 1919. Owady siatkoskrzydłowate ziem Polski. Rozpr. Wiad. Muz. Dzieduszyckich 3: 105-169.

Gaino E., Bongiovanni E. 1993. Scanning electron microscopy of the eggs of Palingenia longicauda (Olivier) (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 22 (1): 41-48.

Landa V. 1969. Jepice - Ephemeroptera. Fauna ČSSR. Academia, Praha, 350 pp.

Landa V., Soldán T. 1985. Distributional patterns, chorology and origin of the Czechoslovak fauna of mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 82: 241-268.

Landa V., Soldán T. 1989. Rozšířeni řádu Ephemeroptera v ČSSR s ohledem na kvalitu vody. Academia, Praha, 172 pp.

Landolt P., Sartori M., Elpers C., Tomka I. 1995. Biological studies of Palingenia longicauda (Olivier) (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae) in one of its last European refuges-feeding habits, ethological observations and egg structure. In: Current directions in research on Ephemeroptera. L.D. Corkum & J.H. Ciborowski (eds.). Canadian Scholars' Press Inc., Toronto: 273-281.

Majewski E. 1885. Owady żyłkoskrzydłe (Neuroptera Polonica). Systematyczny wykaz krajowych sieciarek i prasiatnic. Materiały do fauny krajowej. Warszawa, 9: 18-21.

Marsili L. 1726. Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus, observationibus geographicis, astronomicis, hydrographicis, historicis, physicis. VI. De insectis. Haga, Amsterdam: 125.

Mikulski J.S. 1936. Fauna słodkowodna Polski. Jętki (Ephemeroptera). Wyd. Kasy Mianowskiego, Warszawa, 168 ss.

Russev B.K. 1987. Ecology, life history and distribution of Palingenia longicauda (Olivier) (Ephemeroptera). Tijd. Ent. 130: 109-127.

Russev B.K. 1992. Threatened species of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) from Bulgaria. Lauterbornia 9: 13-17.

Sartori M., Landolt P., Lubini V., Ruffieux L. 1995. Biological studies of Palingenia longicauda (Olivier) (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae) in one of its last European refuges - abiotic characteristics and description of the habitat. In: Current directions in research on Ephemeroptera. L.D. Corkum & J.H. Ciborowski (eds.). Canadian Scholars' Press Inc., Toronto: 263-272.

Soldán T., Zahrádkowá S., Helešic J., Dušek L., Landa V. 1998. Distributional and quantitative patterns of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Czech Republic: a possibility of detection of long-term environmental changes of aquatic biotopes. Masaryk University, Brno, 298 pp.

Swammerdam J. 1752. Bibel der Natur (Haft, Uferaas) Johann Friedrich Gleditschens Buchhandlung, Leipzig: 100-114.

Ulmer G. 1927. Verzeichnis der deutschen Ephemeropteren und ihrer Fundorte. Konowia, 6 (4): 234-262.

Author  Małgorzata Kłonowska-Olejnik