
Dorcadion scopoli (Herbst, 1784)

Muzyk panoński

Familia  Cerambycidae
Ordo  Coleoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Dorcadion scopoli was found in the 19th century at three localities in the Kraków-Wieluń Upland and the Lublin Upland where it has not been confirmed later. It is now collected in the Małopolska Upland only. It belongs to the small group of xerothermic species of Pannonic origin in Poland. It lives in xerothermic grasslands growing on loess, gypsum and chalk substratum. It feeds in all probability on different grass species. The principal threat to the species is posed by changes in xerothermic habitats, such as overgrowing with shrubs and trees as the result of natural succession, afforestation, conversion into arable fields, pastures or transformation into ruderal communities. Of its localities, three are situated within nature reserves. Protected by law.
Literature  Burakowski B. 1957. Występowanie gatunków z rodzaju Dorcadion Dalm. w Polsce (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Fragm. faun. 7: 289-295.

Łomnicki A.M. 1866. Przyczynek do fauny chrząszczów galicyjskich. Kraków, 9 ss.

Mazur M. 1998a. Rozmieszczenie i pochodzenie Dorcadion scopoli (Herbst, 1784) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) w Polsce. Wiad. entomol. 16 (3-4): 157-162.

Wańkowicz J. 1878. Tymczasowy spis owadów tęgopokrywych z wycieczki w okolice Chełma r. 1878. Przyr. Przem. 7: 213-214.

Author  Mieczysław Mazur