
Arctia festiva (Hufnagel, 1766)
Hebe Tiger Moth
Niedźwiedziówka hebe

Familia  Arctiidae
Ordo  Lepidoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Hebe Tiger Moth is one of the rarest moths in Poland.To-day it is known only from the environs of Siemiatycze, Koło and Konin, though until the 1940s it had been collected in the whole area of the country. A drastic decrease in its numbers has been caused by changes in farming: plough of fallow land and pastures, elimination of field balks, afforestation of open wasteland, and common use of insecticides. Many localities situated near towns have been destroyed as the result of expanding urban areas. This species is in the larval stage very susceptible to infection by parasites (insects, fungi). It requires monitoring and purposeful conservation measures focused on preventing plant burning, natural succession, afforestation and degradation of habitats in places of the Hebe Tiger Moth occurrence.
Literature  Buszko J. 1997a. Atlas motyli Polski. Część II. Prządki, zawisaki, niedźwiedziówki (Lasiocampidae, Endromididae, Lemoniidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Thaumetopoeidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae). Grupa IMAGE, Warszawa. 262 ss.

Buszko J., Nowacki J. (ed.) 2000b. The Lepidoptera of Poland. A Distributional Checklist. Pol. Entomol. Monographs 1, 178 pp.

Murzin V.S. 2003. The Tiger Moths of the former Soviet Union (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow, 243 pp.

Sachanowicz K. 2000. Występowanie Arctia hebe (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) w okolicach Siemiatycz. Wiad. entomol. 19(2): 123-124.

Author  Łukasz Przybyłowicz