
Hygrobia hermanni (Fabricius, 1775)
Screech Beetle
Mokrzelica Hermanna

Familia  Hygrobiidae
Ordo  Coleoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is a very rare, water coleopteran whose area of occurrence, in both Poland and Europe, has continuously been shrinking. It has not been noted in the country for more than 50 years; the last record came from Silesia in 1938. At the turn of 19th century the species was reported from a few localities in the northern and central parts of the country. Not protected. It is a stenotopic, termophilous species, which requires for its development well-insolated reservoirs with muddy or sandy bottom, inhabited by Oligochaeta from the genus Tubifex, which are food for the larvae. A decline in the population of Hygrobia hermanni is attributed to water pollution. In view of the present rate of degradation of water habitats, its further existence in Poland is questionable. If rediscovered, the only effective method of its conservation would be protection of its respective water reservoirs.
Literature  Burakowski B., Mroczkowski M., Stefańska J. 1976. Chrząszcze - Coleoptera. Adephaga prócz Carabidae, Myxophaga, Polyphaga: Hydrophiloidea. Katalog fauny Polski. PWN, Warszawa, 23, 4: 1-309.

Galewski K. 1976. Chrząszcze - Coleoptera. Flisakowate - Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae. Klucze do oznaczania owadów Polski. PWN, Warszawa, 19, 5-6: 13-52.

Koch K. 1989. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Ökologie. Band 1/2. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld, 440 ss/382 ss.

Author  Robert Rossa