
Coenagrion armatum (Charpentier, 1840)
Norfolk Damselfly
Łątka zielona

Familia  Coenagrionidae
Ordo  Odonata
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Coenagrion armatum is a very rare and declining Euro-Siberian species in Europe, which in Poland reaches the western border of its more or less continuous range. In Poland it has lost many localities in the last decades. It is known from 44 localities, most of which were described before 1975. In the last years it was found only at single isolated localities in the eastern and central parts of the country; in the west it was noted at one locality only. It inhabits only stagnant waters with rich rush vegetations and stable water level. It is necessary to protect both known and potential localities of the species. Protection should consist in conservation of its habitat and appropriate water conditions.
Literature  Bazyluk W. 2002. Materiały do fauny ważek (Odonata) okolic Siemienia w województwie lubelskim. Nowy Pam. Fijzogr. 1, 1: 45-52.

Buczyński P. 1997. Ważki Odonata Poleskiego Parku Narodowego. Parki nar. Rez. przyr. 16, 2: 41-62.

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Author  Paweł Buczyński