
Pollenia venturii Zumpt, 1956

Familia  Calliphoridae
Ordo  Diptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is one of the rarest xerothermic species in Europe; in Poland known from one locality situated on the margin of the lower Vistula valley near Chełmno. The principal threat to its existence in our country is posed by quick successional changes occurring in xerothermic habitats (overgrowing with trees and shrubs). The species is not protected by law. Conservation of this dipteran should consist in active protection of its current locality and potential sites of its occurrence.
Literature  Riedel M.P. 1934. Die bei Frankfurt (Oder) vorkommenden Arten der Dipteren - Familie Tachinidae (einschl. Sarcophagidae). Dtsch. ent. Z. (Berlin): 252-272.

Rognes K. 1992. Revision of the cluster-flies of the Pollenia venturii species-group, with a cladistic analysis of Palaearctic species of Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Calliporidae). Ent. Scand. 23: 233-248.

Szpila K. 2000. Three species of Calliphoridae (Diptera) new to the Polish fauna. Pol. Pismo entomol. 69: 355-361.

Author  Krzysztof Szpila