
Hyphoraia aulica (Linnaeus, 1758)
Brown Tiger Moth
Niedźwiedziówka dwórka, piaskówka dwórka

Familia  Arctiidae
Ordo  Lepidoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is a rare species, occurring locally in xerothermic grasslands, fallow land and heaths. During the last 40 years its occurrence has been confirmed at a few localities in southern Poland; recently found also in the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Usually single individuals are caught. It is threatened due to overgrowing of xerothermic habitats and succession of forest communities. Anthropogenic factors (fertilization, industrial emissions, transformation of its habitat for recreation purposes) also contribute to Hyphoraia aulica decline. One of the more important causes of its withdrawal from many localities is burning of grass, repeated each year, and afforestation of xerothermic habitats and heaths. Conservation measures should concentrate on the maintenance of suitable biotopes in the places of H. aulica occurrence. Not protected by law.
Literature  Buszko J. 1997a. Atlas motyli Polski. Część II. Prządki, zawisaki, niedźwiedziówki (Lasiocampidae, Endromididae, Lemoniidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Thaumetopoeidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae). Grupa IMAGE, Warszawa. 262 ss.

Buszko J., Kokot A., Palik A., Śliwiński Z. 1996b. Motyle większe (Macrolepidoptera) Puszczy Białowieskiej. Parki nar. Rez. przyr 15, 4: 3-46. 1996b. Motyle większe (Macrolepidoptera) Puszczy Białowieskiej. Parki nar. Rez. przyr. 15, 4: 3-46.

Buszko J., Nowacki J. (ed.) 2000b. The Lepidoptera of Poland. A Distributional Checklist. Pol. Entomol. Monographs 1, 178 pp.

Ebert G. (ed.) 1997. Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs. Band 5: Nachtfalter III. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart; 575 ss.

Malkiewicz A., Marzec M. 1999. Ciekawe gatunki motyli (Lepidoptera) z Obniżenia Ścinawskiego (Dolina Odry). Wiad. entomol. 18 (1): 60.

Author  Łukasz Przybyłowicz