
Sphenometopa fastuosa (Meigen, 1824)

Familia  Sarcophagidae
Ordo  Diptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is an extinct or probably extinct species, associated with submontane xerothermic habitat. In Poland it was known from one location near Z±bkowice ¦l±skie, protected as a nature reserve. It has disappeared from this locality together with the whole community of other thermo- and xerophilous species, mostly petrophilous Aculeata. It is not unlikely that new localities of Sphenometopa fastuosa will be discovered in upland areas of our country, where outcrops of limestone rock are present (mouth of the Moravian Gate, Kraków-Częstochowa Jura, foreland of the Sudety Mts.). The biology of this insect has only fragmentarily been known, therefore it is difficult to make sensible recommendations for its conservation. If the species is rediscovered, recommended conservation measures should be prepared depending on the site of finding. Certainly, all communities of petrophilous Aculeata, to which it is trophically linked to, should be protected.
Literature  Macko S., Noskiewicz J. 1954. Stanowisko rozchodnika białego (Sedum album L.) na Górze Wapiennej koło Stolca pod Z±bkowicami. Próba charakterystyki florystycznej i faunistycznej. Ochr. Przyr. 22: 167-194.

Povolny D., Verves Y. 1997. The Flesh-Flies of Central Europe (Insecta, Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Spixiana, Munchen, sup. 24, 1-261.

Strojny W. 1987. Wymarła jedyna polska kolonia obrostki murówki, Chalicodoma muraria (F.) (Hymenoptera, Apidae) w rezerwacie przyrody Skałki Stoleckie k. Z±bkowic ¦l±skich. Przegl. zool. 31, 3: 341-348.

Verves Y. 1986. Family Sarcophagidae. In: Catalogue of Palearctic Diptera, Calliphoridae-Sarcophagidae. Á. Soós, L. Papp. (eds.). Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 265 pp.

Author  Krzysztof Szpila