
Polistes gallicus (Linnaeus, 1767)

Klecanka rdzaworożna

Familia  Vespidae
Ordo  Hymenoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is a xerothermophilous species, widespread in warmer regions of Palaearctic, but rare in the most part of its range. In the area of Poland sporadically noted at scattered localities; records were much more frequent at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century than are to-day. Adult individuals are found from May to September, in warm places, on flowers, in xerothermic shrubs and grasslands or in psammophilous grassland. It lives in small communities, in nests fixed in different sheltered places, in tree cavities, under stones, under the eaves of roofs etc. It is difficult to identify causes of its decline in Poland; it is most probably a complex of many different environmental factors. One of conservation methods should be overall active protection of potential habitats of Polistes gallicus, such as e.g. xerothermic grasslands, sand grasslands, communities of steppe vegetation. This type of protection should be applied to biotopes in national parks, areas of protected landscape etc., mainly in southern and western Poland where the species was much more widespread than elsewhere.
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Author  Ewa Skibińska