
Nemobius sylvestris (Bosc d'Antic, 1792)
Wood Cricket
Piechotek leśny

Familia  Gryllidae
Ordo  Orthoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is one of the rarest native representatives of Orthoptera, reaching in Poland the north-eastern border of its geographical distribution. It has so far been known from one locality in a semi-natural park in Łęknica on the Nysa Łużycka River (Lower Silesia). It is potentially threatened because its small isolated population is situated on the margin of its range. Conservation of this species in Poland needs the maintenance of the park in Łęknica in the present state. It seems that careful introduction of this insect into wisely selected localities may bring positive results.
Literature  Harz K. 1957. Die Geradflügler Mitteleuropas. Jena, XX, 494 ss.

Kelch A. 1852. Orthoptera Oliv. (et omn. Auct.) Oberschlesiens. Zu der öffentlichen Prüfung aller Klassen des Königlichen Gymnasiums zu Ratibor und der Entlassung der Abiturienten den 5. und 6. April ladet ergebenst ein das Lehrer-Collegium. Ratibor, 1-3.

Liana A. 1975. Świerszcze (Orthoptera, Grylloidea) Polski. Fragm. faun. 20: 179-210.

Liana A. 1982. Badania nad prostoskrzydłymi (Orthoptera) siedlisk kserotermicznych Dolnego Śląska. Fragm. faun. 27: 21-38.

Marshall J.A., Haes E.C.M. 1988. Grasshoppers and allied insects. Colchester, 252 pp.

Author  Anna Liana