
Mantis religiosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
European Mantis
Modliszka zwyczajna

Familia  Mantidae
Ordo  Mantodea
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  The Mantis is a very rare and endangered species in Poland (as in the whole of Central Europe) where it occurs on the border of its range. Due to its endangered status it has been given legal protection. Its permanent area of occurrence has an insular character and comprises the Sandomierz Forest and part of the Lasy Janowskie Forest. In the years 2001-2003 the expansion of Mantis religiosa was observed in the south of Poland. As a highly thermo- and photophilous insect it is threatened principally due to loss of open habitat in the regions with favourable climate in southern Poland. In addition to species protection, it is recommended that its localities should be protected individually as sites of ecological interest, and that the existing populations should be reinforced with cultivated material, originating from native populations.
Literature  Bazyluk W. 1947. Szarańczaki (Orthoptera) okolic Zwierzyńca (Zamojszczyzna). Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Pol. 5: 123-137.

Bazyluk W. 1960. Die geographische Verbreitung und Variabilität von Mantis religiosa (L.) (Mantodea, Mantidae) sowie Beschreibungen neuer Unterarten. Ann. Zool. 18: 231-272.

Bazyluk W. 1977. Blattodea et Mantodea. Karaczany i modliszki (Insecta). W: Fauna Polski, 6: 173 ss.

Liana A. 2002. Prostoskrzydłe Orthoptera i inne owady ortopteroidalne. W: Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce. Z. Głowaciński (red.). Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków: 115-120.

Pawelec J., Basista S. 2003. Inwazja modliszek w Magurskim Parku Narodowym. Parki Nar., Warszawa, 4/2003, okładka + 1 s.

Pax F. 1921a. Beitrag zur Orthopterenfauna Schlesiens. Z. Wiss. Ins. Biol. (Husum) 16, 3/4: 41-42.

Skuratowicz W. 1946. Mało znane rezerwaty przyrodnicze Zamojszczyzny. Chrońmy przyr. ojcz. 2, 3/4: 14-17.

Vickery V.R., Kevan D.K. McE. 1983. A monography of the Orthopteroid Insects of Canada and adjacent regions. 2. Quebec, 679 pp.

Witkowski Z. 1992. Mantis religiosa (Linné, 1758). W: Polska czerwona księga zwierząt. Z. Głowaciński (red.). PWRiL, Warszawa: 259-261.

Author  Anna Liana