
Nothorhina punctata (Fabricius, 1798)

Familia  Cerambycidae
Ordo  Coleoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is a rare species, considered as a Tertiary relict, associated with old, solitary sun-lit living pines; its larvae feed in the external dead layer of their cork. The species decline follows a decrease in the numbers of its host trees. In Poland it was found at 10 localities, mainly in the north-eastern part of the country. Only two localities have recently been found (Martew - 2002, Sulki - 1999); of other localities, one was noted in 1956 and the remaining ones before 1950. The species is not protected; included in the red list of Cerambycidae of eastern Poland. It is recommended that localities of Nothorhina punctata should be protected. In addition, in clear-cut areas some old pines should be left in well-sunlit places; old pines growing at forest edges, on rod-sides and in cemeteries should be spared as well.
Literature  Burakowski B., Mroczkowski M., Stefańska J. 1989. Chrząszcze - Coleoptera, Cerambycidae i Bruchidae. Katalog fauny Polski. PWN, Warszawa, 23, 15: 1-312.

Cherepanov A.I. 1979. Usachi severnoj Azii (Prioninae, Disteniinae, Lepturinae, Aseminae). Izd. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 472 pp.

Gutowski J.M. 1995. Kózkowate (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) wschodniej części Polski. Prace Inst. Bad. Leś. A, 811: 1-190.

Gutowski J.M., Ruta R. 2004. Waloryzacja przyrodnicza gminy Tuczno (Pojezierze Zachodniopomorskie) w oparciu o wyniki wstępnych badań nad chrząszczami (Insecta: Coleoptera). Nowy Pam. Fizjogr. 3, 1-2: 29-63.

Havelka J., Niedl J. 1953. Poznámky k bionomii tesařika Nothorhina punctata F. Zool. Entomol. Listy, ČSAV, Brno, 2, 16, 3: 213-219.

Heyrovský L. 1955. Tesařikoviti - Cerambycidae. Fauna ČSSR. Čs. Ak. Véd, Praha, 5: 348 pp.

Pawłowski J., Kubisz D., Mazur M. 2002. Coleoptera Chrząszcze. W: Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce. Z. Głowaciński (red.). Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków. 155 ss. + supl. 74 ss.

Sláma M.E.F. 1998. Tesaříkovití - Cerambycidae České republiky a Slovenské republiky (Brouci - Coleoptera). Vyd. M. Slama, Tisk Tercie, Krhanice: 383 pp.

Author  Jerzy M. Gutowski