
Carpathobyrrhulus tatricus Mroczkowski, 1957

Goroń tatrzański

Familia  Byrrhidae
Ordo  Coleoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Carpathobyrrhulus tatricus is a relatively recently described Tatra endemite, occurring at medium and higher altitudes. Its biology is unknown; observations which have been made so far indicate that it lives in moss and grass on rocky substratum; often found near snow patches. Mass tourism is one of more important factors, which may threaten the population occupying such a small area. Its fragmentation may also be perceived as a threat. The existing form of protection of C. tatricus localities, in the national park (Tatra NP) and biosphere reserve ("Tatry" IBR), should be maintained. Places of the occurrence of this species should be under strict protection and the taxon itself should be treated as a species of special concern in the whole area of the Tatra Mountains.
Literature  Burakowski B., Mroczkowski M., Stefańska J. 1983. Chrząszcze - Coleoptera. Scarabaeoidea, Dascilloidea, Byrrhoidea i Parnoidea. Katalog fauny Polski. PWN, Warszawa, 23, 9: 1-294.

Jászay T. 1998. Príspevok k poznaniu chrobákov (Coleoptera) v Temnosmrečinskej Doline a okolí vo Vysokých Tatrách. Natura Carpatica 39: 137-150.

Mroczkowski M. 1957. Carpathobyrrhulus tatricus sp. n. from the Tatry (Coleoptera, Byrrhidae). Ann. zool. 16, 16: 215-221.

Mroczkowski M. 1958. Chrząszcze Coleoptera. Otrupkowate - Byrrhidae, Nosodendridae. Klucze do oznaczania owadów Polski, 19, 50-51: 1-30.

Author  Paweł Sienkiewicz