
Vertigo angustior Jeffreys, 1830

Poczwarówka zwężona

Familia  Vertiginidae
Ordo  Stylommatophora
Classis  Gastropoda
Typus  Mollusca
Summary  Vertigo angustior shows a declining tendency within its whole European range. In Poland it still has about twenty prosperous populations but, like in other parts of its range, is threatened by drainage of wetlands, grazing and recently also eutrophication. It is recommended that some of its localities should be protected as nature reserves; designation of protected areas should be preceded by an expertise in order to identify the most abundant populations.
Literature  Cameron R.A.D. 2003. Life-cycles, molluscan and botanical associations of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vertiginidae). Heldia 5: 95-110.

Cameron R.A.D., Colville B., Falkner G., Holyoak G.A., Hornung E., Killeen I.J., Moorkens E.A., Pokryszko B.M., von Proschwitz T., Tattersfield P., Valovirta I. 2003. Species accounts for snails of the genus Vertigo listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive: V. angustior, V. genesii, V. geyeri and V. moulinsiana. Heldia 5: 151-172.

Killeen I.J. 1997. Survey for the terrestrial snail Vertigo angustior at three sites in England (Gait Barrows NNR, Flordon Common and Martlesham Creek). English Nature Research Report 228.

Pokryszko B.M. 1990. The Vertiginidae of Poland (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupilloidea) - a systematic monograph. Ann. Zool. 48: 133-257.

Pokryszko B.M. 1998. Vertiginidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupilloidea) Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego i okolic. Parki nar. Rez. przyr. 17, supl. 3: 67-75.

Pokryszko B.M. 2003. Vertigo of continental Europe - autecology, threats and conservation status (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vertiginidae). Heldia 5: 13-26

Riedel A. 1988. Ślimaki lądowe Gastropoda terrestria. Katalog fauny Polski. XXXVI. PWN, Warszawa, 316 ss +1 mapa.

Author  Beata M. Pokryszko