
Somatochlora arctica (Zetterstedt, 1840)
Northern Emerald
Miedziopierś arktyczna

Familia  Corduliidae
Ordo  Odonata
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  It is a very rare and vanishing species in Poland, connected primarily with Sphagnum bogs in forests. In Poland it is known from several regions, mostly in the east, where small scattered populations still persist. Protected by law. Some localities of Somatochlora arctica are protected in nature reserves, some of them are in the area of national parks and landscape parks. The only effective conservation method for this dragonfly is conservation of its habitats and localities.
Literature  Askew R.R. 1988. The dragonflies of Europe. Harley Books, Colchester, 291 pp.

Boudot J.-P., Goutet P., Jacquemin G. 1987. Somatochlora arctica (Zett.) new for the French Pyreneyes and for the Southern French Alps, with further records on some rare Odonata in France. Notul. odonatol. 2: 150-152.

Buczyński P. 1998. Somatochlora arctica (Zetterstedt, 1840) in the Janowskie Forests (Lasy Janowskie), S-E Poland (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Notul. odonatol. 5, 1: 8-9.

Buczyński P. 2001. Ważki (Insecta: Odonata) torfowisk wysokich i przejściowych środkowo-wschodniej Polski. Praca doktorska, UMCS, Lublin: 177 ss.

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Author  Paweł Buczyński & Grzegorz Tończyk