
Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840)

Iglica mała

Familia  Coenagrionidae
Ordo  Odonata
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Nehalennia speciosa is a strongly stenotopic species, in Poland related to sedge (Carex) beds, frequently in a border zone between Sphagnum mats and water in small dystrophic (humic) pools and lakes, rarely in flooded parts of Sphagnum bogs (without pools). The crucial factor is the abundant presence of Carex limosa and/or Carex lasiocarpa (rarely C. rostrata) overgrowing shallow waters. Typical of this habitat is low trophy, low conductivity and fairly low pH (Bernard 1998, Bernard (in print), Bernard, Wildermuth (in print), Buczyński 2001, Buczyński, Staniec 1998, Daraż B. - unpubl. data, Jödicke 1999). N. speciosa was recorded at 58 localities, mainly in N Poland, also in the East and in the Wielkopolska and Upper Silesia regions, very rarely in Lower Silesia (Bernard 1998, Bernard (in print), Bernard, Wildermuth (in print), Buczyński 2001, 2003, unpubl. data., Daraż B. - unpubl. data, Gawroński (in print), Jödicke 1999, Łabędzki 2001, Szymański J. - unpubl. data). N. speciosa was recorded at 53 localities, mainly in northern Poland, also in the east and in the Wielkopolska and Upper Silesia regions, very rarely in Lower Silesia. In the years 1976-2003 28 localities were found. The species seems to be restricted now to the north and east of the country. Its localities or their small groups are strongly dispersed and isolated. The gradual decline of the species has been observed in Poland (as in a great part of the range) as the result of changes in habitats: a) drying out of Sphagnum bogs, b) changes in the species composition and structure of vegetation caused by both this process and an increase in water trophy, c) overgrowing of pools by Sphagnum mats. The species is protected by law in Poland. Of its existing localities, only 8 are in national parks and reserves, therefore more reserves are needed. Buffer forest zones around all localities should be preserved. (Re) introduction of the species into some places is worth considering.
Literature  Bernard R. (w druku). New data on the occurrence of Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) in Poland (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Opusc. zool. flumin.

Bernard R. 1998. Stan wiedzy o rozmieszczeniu i ekologii Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) w Polsce. Rocz. nauk. Pol. Tow. Ochr. Przyr. "Salamandra" 2: 67-93.

Bernard R., Wildermuth H. (w druku). Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) in Europe - a case of a vanishing relict (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 34, 3.

Buczyński P. 2001. Ważki (Insecta: Odonata) torfowisk wysokich i przejściowych środkowo-wschodniej Polski. Praca doktorska, UMCS, Lublin: 177 ss.

Buczyński P. 2003c. Nowe stanowiska pijawki lekarskiej, Hirudo medicinalis. Chrońmy przyr. ojcz. 59, 3: 86-87.

Buczyński P., Staniec B. 1998. Waloryzacja godnego ochrony torfowiska Krugłe Bagno (Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie) w oparciu o wybrane elementy jego fauny. Rocz. nauk. Pol. Tow. Ochr. Przyr. "Salamandra" 2: 95-107.

Gawroński A. (w druku). Nowe stanowiska iglicy małej Nehalennia speciosa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) w północnej Polsce. Przegl. przyr.

Jödicke R. 1999. Libellenbeobachtungen in Podlasie, Nordost-Polen. Libellula 18, 1/2: 31-48.

Lewandowski K. 2000. Ważki (Odonata) drobnych zbiorników wodnych. W: XVIII Zjazd Hydrobiologów Polskich "Szacunek dla wody", Białystok, 4-8 IX 2000, Materiały zjazdowe: 151-152.

Łabędzki A. 2001. Odonata - ważki. W: Katalog fauny Puszczy Białowieskiej. J.M. Gutowski, B. Jaroszewicz (red.), Inst. Badawczy Leśnictwa, Warszawa: 88-91.

Schiess H. 1973. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie von Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 2, 1: 33-37.

Schmidt B., Sternberg K. 1999. Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) Zwerglibelle. In: Die Libellen Baden-Württembergs, Band 1: Allgemeiner Teil, Kleinlibellen (Zygoptera). K. Sternberg, R. Buchwald (eds.); Ulmer, Stuttgart: 358-368.

Author  Rafał Bernard