
Notaris aethiops (Fabricius, 1792)

Brzeginia północna

Familia  Curculionidae
Ordo  Coleoptera
Classis  Insecta
Typus  Arthropoda
Summary  Notaris aethiops has now in Poland only one documented locality (Hel); however, in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century it was reported from several places in mountains (Tatra Mts., Beskidy Mts., Sudety Mts.), as well as in uplands and lowlands (Kraków, Roztocze, Baltic Coast). In Pleistocene and Oligocene fossil material it was noted at many localities. N. aethiops is a higrophilous species associated with aquatic, marshy and bog vegetation. It lives probably on different herbaceous plant species, as collected on Iris pseudacorus, Carex gracilis and Sparganium erectum. In Poland it shows a tendency to decline, which may be attributed to climatic changes and perhaps to changes in water conditions. It is possible to save its relict populations, protecting their localities in nature reserves.
Literature  Bercio H., Folwaczny B. 1979. Verzeichnis der Käfer Preussens. Verlag Parzeller & Co. Fulda, XXI + 369 ss.

Helm O. 1880. Bei Danzig gefangene Käfer. Schr. Naturf. Ges. Danzig 4: 56-57.

Kelch A. 1846. Grundlage zur Kenntniss der Käfer Oberschlesiens, insbesondere der Umgegend von Ratibor. W: Zu der öffentlichen Prüfung aller Klassen des Königlichen Gymnasiums zu Ratibor den 4. und 7. April, und mit dem mit Entlassung der Abiturienten verbundenen Redeac

Ku¶ka A. 1985. Subfosylne ryjkowce (Curculionidae, Coleoptera) z paleomeandrów w dolinie Warty koło Poznania. Fragm. faun. 29: 289-298.

Rybiński M. 1903. Chrz±szcze nowe dla fauny galicyjskiej. Wykaz II. Spraw. Kom. Fizyogr. 37: 16-30.

Schilling S. 1845. Systematische Übersicht der in Schlesien und der Grafschaft Glatz gesammelten Rüsselkäfer mit gebrochenen Fühlern. Uebers. Arb. Veränd.Schles. Ges. Vaterld. Kult. (1844): 73-75.

Tenenbaum S. 1918. Dodatek do spisu chrz±szczy z Ordynacyi Zamojskiej. Pam. Fizyogr. 25: 1-35.

Timm P. 1915. Einige bemerkenswerte Insektenfunde aus dem Kreise Neustadt. Ber. Westpr. Bot.-Zool. Ver., Danzig, 37: 345-351.

Author  Mieczysław Mazur