Mycosphaerella dearnessii M.E. Barr 1972 – Brązowa plamistość igieł – Brown spot needle blight

Information in Alien Species in Poland database are purely scientific and not legally binding.


The species is alien in whole area of its current or past occurrence in Poland

Currently present in the environment

Reproducing in the environment

Numbers or/and range increasing


Map of occurrence

Areas on the map correspond to pemanent occurrence of the species. Points on the map indicate introduction places and/or single records of the species; they do not always correspond to current presence of the species in a given locality.

Information that could update the map of occurence of the species can be sent to


  • Pusz W., Kita W. 2014. Występowanie brązowej plamistości igieł (Mycosphaerella dearnessii) na kosodrzewinie (Pinus mugo) w Karkonoszach Progress in Plant Protection 54: 251-254. link

Life form: Micro-organism

Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Capnodiales
Family: Mycosphaerellaceae

Scientific synonyms: Cryptosporium acicola Thüm. 1878 [anamorph] Thüm. 1878; Dothidea acicola (Dearn.) Morelet 1968 [teleomorph] (Dearn.) Morelet 1968; Lecanosticta acicola (Thüm.) Syd. 1924 [anamorph] (Thüm.) Syd. 1924; Lecanosticta pini Syd. 1921; Oligostroma acicola Dearn. 1926 [teleomorph] Dearn. 1926; Scirrhia acicola (Dearn.) Sigg. 1939 [teleomorph] (Dearn.) Sigg. 1939; Septoria acicola (Thüm.) Sacc. 1941 [anamorph] (Thüm.) Sacc. 1941; Systremma acicola (Dearn.) F.A. Wolf & Barbour 1884 [teleomorph] (Dearn.) F.A. Wolf & Barbour 1884

English synonyms: Brown spot; Brown spot disease; Brown spot needle disease; Brown spot of pine; Brown spot: pine; Needle blight; Needle blight of pine; Needle disease: brown spot